Hi everyone! I'm so excited- this week I reached 300 followers on Google Connect,100 on Facebook and 50 on Bloglovin'. I appreciate your support, comments, and visits so much! THANK YOU. I just love this world of blogging : )
Here are just some of my favourite outfits thus far:

For something different here is an INTERVIEW I did for So Stylish, a great new website which allows you to discover and share outfits.
When and why did you start blogging?
I launched my blog 1 January 2011. Why? Around the middle of last year I stumbled across
Lucy Laucht’s blog and found it a great source of inspiration- until then I had never heard of this blogging thing!! This prompted me late last year to actually start taking photos of my outfits- I kept them on file just as a record. So I guess blogging was then a natural progression from there, AND ... I love it! I find it
fun and inspirational.
What is the first thing you do in the morning?
I play 'fetch' with my 1 year old kitty cat Bumble Bee, and... you guessed it... I check on my blog and moderate comments received overnight.
How would you describe your personal style?
I’m not really sure how to describe my style so if anyone has any thoughts on this feel free to tell me! I would say feminine
chic?? Anyone???
Do you have a favorite colour?
I do love grey, not really a colour I know and not terribly fun either. BUT, I am loving orange this season, it adds a bit POP to any outfit.
What are the must-haves in your wardrobe?
TAN WEDGES- I am shouting this because they are such a wardrobe essential!! Other must haves includes a classic white shirt, great jeans, gold & silver hoop earrings, a great fitting blazer in any colour, white summer dress, statement high heels, versatile scarf .... I think that's it ; )
What are your favorite brands?
You could probably guess Sportsgirl by having a look at my blog- featured quite a bit! I also love Steve Madden and Tony Bianco shoes. Other favourite brands include Witchery, Siren, and Diva. I’m also very excited that Zara is coming to Melbourne in about 1 month!
Can you give a stylish tip to the So Stylish community?
Turn all your hangers backwards, and as you wear each item turn the hanger back the right way. This helps me to make use of ALLL of my wardrobe.
Mac or PC? PC
Twitter or Facebook? Facebook
Heels or Flats? I’m 5’2”, it's obvious- it has got to be a heel!!
Lipstick or Lipgloss? Always been lipgloss, but just recently I’m becoming a lipstick convertee.
How to find Michelle:
p.s. If anyone wants to join the So Stylish community, use "MichellesStyleFile" as an invitation code. Hurry up, their is only 35 invitations.