
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Skirt day

Have you entered my GIVEAWAY?  See my previous post, or click HERE!!

Off to the movies with my hubby on this cold and gloomy Melbourne winters day.  We saw the final Harry Potter movie- really great if anyone hasn't seen it yet (although I suspect I'm one of the last)!  Stopped for coffee before hand where my nerd glasses were tried on by all the cafe staff- hee hee.

I have realised that apart from at work, I hardly wear skirts at all so I will be making a concious effor to inject some more skirt action into my outfits : )  This one I picked up half price from Portmans last weekend- love it!!  Long sleeved black top, grey jumper and leather jacket are adding some warmth to this look.
Ring bling: c/o Coby June & The Fashion Writress, Rhapsody Design and vintage.
Steve Madden heels (current season), Skirt from Portmans, Zara jumper, Sportsgirl leather jacket
Nerd glasses from Borders Bookstore.

Remember, my fabulous readers, I have some MORE exciting things in store for you soon so.... STAY TUNED!


Thursday, July 28, 2011


Hi everyone!!
I told you I had some exciting things in store for you my wonderful readers, and this great giveaway sponsored by 'What Should I Wear?' is the first!

'What Should I Wear?' is THE place to go to for getting style advice easily and to solve your wardrobe dilemma's!  A community where you can get or give advice on fashion photos, showcase your own style and join the Q&A.  With the launch of their new App (available via their website) you can get style advice on the go- perhaps even while you're in that change room wishing you had a second opinion, or figuring out what to wear to uni, work or a special event! 

To enter all you have to do is:

1. Follow Michelle's Style File on Google Friend Connect or Bloglovin'
2. Check out the 'What Should I Wear?' website
3. Follow 'What Should I Wear?' on Facebook
4. Leave a comment below.

Want a BONUS entry? Follow @MichellesStyleF and @Wsiwau on Twitter, or Michelle's Style File on Facebook, and leave an extra comment saying you did this.

This giveaway is open internationally and you have until 6pm (AEST) 6 August 2011 to enter. Good luck!

The winner is....
 Maria from Avenue M
Congratulations Maria- I'll be in touch!



p.s. Prize includes Luminous Lip Veil lipstick (In the Flesh) and Mesmera-Eyes Mascara (Black)

Monday, July 25, 2011

Get your leathers on

Mixing up the classic pieces today: denim shirt, leather pants and the touch of leopard print.
Also wearing new shoes from Wittner, bought at their $49.95 Pump It Up sale (which is still going)...originally $169.95!! You've gotta love the sales : )
Zoom in....zoom out....& zoom out again ; )
Bardot pants, Wittner heels, Defry01 shirt, Asos bag

Also my fabulous readers, I have some exciting things in store for you over the next month
so.... STAY TUNED!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Op shop shirt

Hi there lovely people!
Just wanted to let you know my Twitter account took on a life of it's own this week and spammed a squillion people.  So huge apologies to any of you who got weird direct messages from me.  Hopefully this issue is now fixed.  Now back to FASHION : )
Picked up this shirt for a couple of dollars last time I was at the salvos, pretty different from what I normally wear.
Brown rice sushi and green tea out on Chapel Street for lunch with my hubby- one of my favourite Melbourne-y things to do.  Very windy!!
Pants from Country Road, Shoes Steve Madden (current season), belt ASOS, necklace and bangle vintage, Oroton bag and Swatch watch.

p.s. Just to let you know I read every single comment and am overwhelmed at all the sweet comments you leave for me!!  You guys are seriously the ANTS PANTS. 

Follow Michelles Style File

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Polka dots, furrrr & lace

Still in Canberra and have a teeny bit of fur from Target to keep me warm- don't worry my coat is not far away.  Also wearing Sportsgirl pants and EOS boots.
Big thanks to my sister for taking these pics!
This polka dot top I picked up from MNG in Bangkok, Jade wrist candy also from Thailand.
The lace piece is from my Mum's Wardrobe!! And I am actually wearing it back-to-front : )
Thanks Mum.


Follow Michelles Style File

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Classic trench

Flying visit to see my folks in the bush capital Canberra.  My dear Dad took these pics for me.
I've been wearing these boots a stack this winter, they seem to work with any style of pant, are so easy to wear AND comfy!!
HOORAY for wrist candy! One of my favourite current trends.
Jeans by Dotti, David Lawrence trench, Kookai top, Sportsgirl scarf, EOS boots, random wrist candy


Follow Michelles Style File

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Icebreaker clothing review

hmmmm, yes that is my butt!
Seriously cool biodegradable packaging- I might frame this : )
A few weeks ago I got a lovely package in the mail from the Nature Shop who have asked me to review their Icebreaker gear and share the pros and cons.  Now this gear is pure New Zealand Merino wool with 3% Lycra- I was a little skeptical about the woollen exercise gear situation and the price tag to be honest, but folks I am seriously impressed.  The fit is perfect, exceptional quality and the top even has those little holes for your thumbs to go through!

I've been wearing this gear for my daily bicycle commute to and from work, and in this FROSTY Melbourne weather I've found it really comfy and very warm! Plus it's happy to be thrown in the washing machine over and over and still looks brand new. 

When my work mates saw me arrive at work in this gear for the first time I had exclamations from 5 colleagues about how they loved their own Icebreaker gear! One fellow had even worn his for a whole month and it still wasn't smelly- not that I recommend putting that to the test but impressive none the less.

Nature Shop are an environmentally responsible online retailer and offer all Australian customers an impressive risk free shopping experience with free tracked shipping (3 - 5 days), free return shipping and a 365 day money back guarantee!  No cons today- It seems I am an Icebreaker convert.


Follow Michelles Style File

p.s. A big thanks to my sister for taking my pics on this chilly 4'C morning.
p.p.s. I fell on my butt after jumping off that rock- idddiot!!
p.p.s. I was not paid for this review.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Wind in my scarf

A freakin' awesome day trip down the Mornington Peninsula (Victoria, Australia) with my darling hubby.  We followed the beach road along the coast line with coffee and lunch along the way and then spent the afternoon soaking at the Peninsula Hot Springs. 
I love these shoes : )
   Wearing Levis form the Salvos, Zara tee and balzer, Asos CLAW, Witchery scarf and sunnies, Robert Robert golden heels
AND my DIY bracelets from HERE & HERE.


Follow Michelles Style File

Thursday, July 7, 2011

POP of yellow

One exciting thing about cold weather, I think, is the chance to wear leather pants.  I saw leather pants in the bloggesphere alllll Summer and was dying to get my own pair! These are current season from Bardot and in kind of a biker jean style.
Jacket: Cue, Pants: Bardot, Bag and wrist candy: various Thailand markets

Does this outfit look a bit familiar....? It's my Bardot Street Style competition winning outfit from HERE.   These are some photos on the same day in a different location that I wanted to show you : ) 


Follow Michelles Style File

Monday, July 4, 2011

My beloved Melbourne

Back home in my beloved Melbourne, and a glorious Winter's day out and about in pretty South Melbourne.  After a couple of weeks living from a suitcase in a very hot environment (see Thailand posts) it is so wonderful to have access to my entire wardrobe and to return to layering!
hmmmmm, but squinty.
Bag and random wrist candy from Thai markets.
Pants: Sportsgirl (current season), Shoes: Sportsgirl, Tee: Zara, Shirt: DeFry 01

Follow Michelles Style File

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Thailand- Homeward bound!

The end of an absolutely wonderfully relaxing and fun holiday with my darling hubby.
Now back to my fabulous hometown Melbourne and ...  WINTER.  Folks I can tell you it is chillllyy here!
Just a snappy post to say that I hope you enjoyed the best of my holiday pics over the last 12 posts and of course my daily outfits.  My summer dresses are now all packed away and the winter woollies are back into circulation!!
And because it's the end of June here's a quick recap of my favourite holiday outfits.
Clockwise (from top left)- click the link:


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