
Tuesday, April 11, 2017


Dress- Sportsgirl (last season)
Adidas Superstars - Hype DC
Ray Ban sunnies- thanks to Vision Direct
Cuff & necklace - thanks to Najo jewellery

These pics are from a recent holiday to Palm Cove, just North of Cairns, QLD and that pool behind me is where we spent pretty much eight hours a day for a week! Safe to say Ash LOVED the pool.  He is still doing lots of imagining and make believe stories about us flying back to our 'new house' with the pool so we can go for a swim :) 

Onto the outfit, a simple black slip dress is so perfect when it is hot, sunny and humid, and of course a hat a necessity.  I loved this iconic Deus cap I found at Surftitch, also grabbing it in the blue colour way.  I only thought of buying it last minute before the holiday and was so lucky that delivery was the next day, so I had it just in time!  Surfstitch have a great range of brands for the whole family, in fact I was so tempted to the get the Adidas Stan Smiths for Ash also! And I still might ;)

More pics from my holiday on Instagram @michellesstylefile

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