
Monday, January 31, 2011

lace ups

How cute are these lace up wedges, I'm in love with them!  They are so different to what I normally wear and soooo comfy.  A shoe I would never have considered until I saw a another girl try them on- they looked great! So my shoe envy resulted in a new purchase for me.  Great news though- I did get them on sale a few weeks after first spotting them : )

I've been having a play on Photoshop with these photos.  Let me know what you think- I'm still experimenting with techniques.  I've copied the tips from one of my favourite blogs 'The Daybook' (http://tandsdaybook.blogspot.com/).
Shoes: Tony Bianco, T-shirt: Sportsgirl, Skirt: Kookai, Scarf: Witchery
Thanks to my wonderful hubby for taking my photos!  Much better than the usual timer & tripod.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Mind the gap

Back in Melbourne and catching the train into the city for lunch with friends.  Wearing a Topshop bodysuit with this really great version of a denim skirt, cute wedges and my Harrods bag.  The belt was a great bargain from Marcs during the January sales- less than half price at $19- yay! and it's all holes so works at any size.

Skirt: Blue Juice by Seduce, Bodysuit: Topshop London, Belt: Marcs, Shoes: Steve Madden, Watch: Swatch, Sunnies: Sportsgirl

Thursday, January 20, 2011

wedding daze

Firstly, thanks for all the great comments on my last post. It's great to hear from you.

Here I am at my beautiful cousin Sami's summer wedding. This dress I wore as a bridesmaid back in June 2010 so it was really great that I could get another wear out of this one!- a big thanks to my bride for choosing such a lovely dress for her bridesmaids : )  It's from Cooper St and bought at Swish Clothing on Chapel Street, South Yarra.

These are really, really, really great shoes from Tony Bianco!  I have the same pair in black because they are just so great.  This colour is great for leg lengthening.

Dress: Cooper St, Belt: Cue, Shoes: Tony Bianco, Clutch: Portmans, Cuff: Sussan, Earrings & ring: gifts from my darling hubby

Monday, January 17, 2011

white lace & chainmail

This is a really cute white lace top with buttons up the front from Just Jeans about 5 years ago, on sale I'm pretty sure.  Nice to have a variation of the classic white tank.  My fav and most versatile scarf, fav sunnies and the usual Dotti jeans.  Hey and my fav bag.! This is my day of favourites : )

I felt pretty good in this getup.  I hope you like it. 

Jeans: Dotti, Top: Just Jeans: Scarf: Witchery, Shoes: Sportsgirl, Bag: Oroton, Watch: Swatch, Sunnies: Sportsgirl

Sunday, January 2, 2011

at the car wash...

At the car wash with my hubby and dad. 

The necklace is from the markets at Federations Square Melb by Sunday Morning Designs http://sundaymorningdesigns.com/home/ and reminds me off my cat 'Bumble Bee'- sooo cute.  This dress is a fav of mine and I'm sure you'll see it in future blog posts.

Dress & Sunnies: Sportsgirl, Necklace: SundayMorningDesigns

silver shoes & spots

Love this scarf- the colours go with virtually everything.  Will make sure I SMILE next time ; )
Jeans: Dotti, Top: Kookai, Shoes: I love Billy, Scarf: Witchery, Watch: Swatch

skulls at the beach

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE and welcome to my blog!! Offically launched on 2 January 2011. 

I've been busy uploading a lot of posts over the last couple of days so I have something for you all to look at.
Heading out to lunch in Port Melbourne with my hubby.  The handbag is my new Oroton tote which I bought for myself as a reward for completing my postgraduate in Business qualification at Monash Uni in December 2010- yipeeee!!!! Is got a gunmetal mesh side which is just beeeeaaaauuuutiful, chain handles and is ginormous which is a must for me.  I'm treating it very carefully thus far and it lives in its dust bag when not in use- this bag better last forever!
Jeans: Dotti, T-shirt: Portmans, Jacket: Dotti, Shoes: Witchery, Necklace: Dotti, Scarf & Sunnies: Sportsgirl