
Friday, April 26, 2013

David Jones for Mother's Day- GIVEAWAY

With Mother's Day just around the corner it really is time to find your mum that perfect gift, and David Jones have plenty of fabulous ideas. Best of all you can shop David Jonesdesigner gift range online AND there is free delivery if you spend over $50 or use your DJ's American Express or store card.

Here are some of my top picks for mums from David Jones' designer range....
Being a new mum myself I can tell you there is nothing better than a bit of time out in the bath tub and these David Jones Soap Rose Petals and David Jones Beauty Luscious Bath Bombs make the bathing experience just that little bit more luxurious!   To continue the pampering the David Jones Beauty Manicure Pedicure Set is perfect, a great little set containing everything you need to make your hands and feet beautiful!  All these come in under $20!

Want to spend a bit more...then I love these Gregory Ladner wool gloves, just the thing now the weather is getting cooler- and less that $60.  Or why not some beautiful perfume like this Marc Jacobs Daisy Eau de Toilette, for $90.

Now to a GIVEAWAY:
WIN a $50 David Jones gift voucher

Leave a comment below with your best Mother's Day idea to spoil your mum.

Giveaway ends at 5pm on 10 May 2013 and is only open to Australian residents.  There are two vouchers up for grabs and the best answers win.  Good luck!!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Little Party Dress

A little party dress is no doubt a wardrobe must have, forever classic and effortless, just add a cute clutch and killer heels and you are ready to go!  LittlePartyDress.com.au has a great range of dresses that are on trend without any over the top price tags.

Here are my favourite picks for Autumn, but if you need more inspiration Little Party Dress have a style guide with heaps of ways to let your LPD shine.  So if you've scanned your wardrobe and can't find anything to wear, don't forget your trusty Little Party Dress online store!  Don't forget to join their 55,000 other fans on Facebook too.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Introducing baby Ashley :)

Scarf- Witchery (loving this one  for Winter)
Heels- Zara (similar here)

Hi all! Sorry it's been a bit quiet on the blog lately, but I have had my hands full with this adorable little fellow.  He's just over 3 weeks old now, and I can't believe what a blur those 3 weeks have been.  I've had a few requests for some pics of me with my new bub so here they are- these pics were actually taken when he was only 5 days old but I've only just got around to blogging them! SO tiny-actually he still is :)

I'm loving being a mum, and my husband has taken to being a dad like a fish in water and is absolutely smitten with his son. We try and have a little outing each afternoon- a walk around the park, a late lunch or as simple as a coffee.  And I must admit I'm not missing work one bit!

To the outfit- this is still my maternity clothing.  You can see me wearing the knit here, and the pants here during my pregnancy.  In fact this outfit is pretty much my go to most days- being rather sleep deprived and scatterbrained, I tend to pop on the same outfit every time I leave the house ;)  Soooo, these pants, this knit and some cute leopard print ballet flats is certainly comfortable and presentable! 

Friday, April 12, 2013

Borne Naked


Check out this genius creation by clever lady, Amanda George.  It's a clear handbag liner designed to help you de-clutter and get organised. Borne Naked  liners come in three sizes: small, medium and large.  The medium size is perfect for most of my handbags so I've organised my everyday essentials into it to make it easier to transfer them from one bag to the next.  The large size is perfect to stash my nappy bag essentials- I can then toss it into the bottom of the pram, or into one of my large handbags.  Brilliant!

Oh! I also made a couple of Vine video's of me using these liners- find me on Vine at 'MichellesStyleFile'.

I'll be back with outfit posts soon :)

Friday, April 5, 2013

It's a boy!

I am so pleased to introduce you to my brand new little fellow... 
baby Ashley!

This dear little boy arrived exactly 1 week early at 3.18pm on Monday 25 March weighing 3.12kg (6.9 pounds), 49 cm long and perfect in every way!!  You can see more piccies on Instagram or Facebook : )

My waters broke in the early hours of Sunday (the night I took these pics!!) and then labour kicked in about midday on Sunday.  It all went as smoothly as I could've hoped for with a fantastic midwife and obstetrician. I then had 4 wonderful nights in hospital falling head over heels for my little lamb.  If you had ever told me I would be content to be confined to a single room with a newborn for that long I would've thought you crazy, but it really was the best and there was nowhere in the world I would've rather have been.  My husband was able to stay overnight as well, and with lovely meals delivered and helpful midwives it was a great introduction to motherhood.

Today, 5 April, also marks my husband and my 10th wedding anniversary! I can't believe how time flies, it's been a fabulous 10 years and now there are three of us I've no doubt there will be many more fabulous years to come.  Anyways, I'll share some more on that, and perhaps some wedding piccies another day : )