Thursday, March 13, 2014


A month ago now, coincidentally on my 35th birthday, I was a part of one of the most fun and special opportunities, with Target Australia capturing some precious moments between my, then 10 month old, son Ashley and I.   Talk about a fantastic birthday present!!

Target styled Ash and I in pieces from their collection; in particular Ash's pieces are from their new range of  childrenswear  for this Autumn/Winter.  I love his little jeans and how adorable are those baby Dunlop Volleys, not to mention the puffa vest and smart check shirt.  So classic, and VERY cute! Sizes range from new babies, right through to size 16.  I pretty much buy all Ash's clothes from Target now, the prices are incredibly affordable and the pieces so on trend.

Finally a huge thank you to Target for capturing such beautiful photos and for thinking of me for this opportunity.

p.s. Target have $5 off all children's denim clothing at the moment. Hmmm I think another visit to Target is in order.