
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Introducing baby Ashley :)

Scarf- Witchery (loving this one  for Winter)
Heels- Zara (similar here)

Hi all! Sorry it's been a bit quiet on the blog lately, but I have had my hands full with this adorable little fellow.  He's just over 3 weeks old now, and I can't believe what a blur those 3 weeks have been.  I've had a few requests for some pics of me with my new bub so here they are- these pics were actually taken when he was only 5 days old but I've only just got around to blogging them! SO tiny-actually he still is :)

I'm loving being a mum, and my husband has taken to being a dad like a fish in water and is absolutely smitten with his son. We try and have a little outing each afternoon- a walk around the park, a late lunch or as simple as a coffee.  And I must admit I'm not missing work one bit!

To the outfit- this is still my maternity clothing.  You can see me wearing the knit here, and the pants here during my pregnancy.  In fact this outfit is pretty much my go to most days- being rather sleep deprived and scatterbrained, I tend to pop on the same outfit every time I leave the house ;)  Soooo, these pants, this knit and some cute leopard print ballet flats is certainly comfortable and presentable! 


  1. Congrats dear! He is precious! There is nothing greater than being a Mom! I remember those early weeks and it is quite blurry to me now that my son is 2! Bless you and your family! xx Pip


  2. Awww such a cute bundle of joy! So nice to see you and to read you guys are so happy with your new family member! You look stunning, glad to see a mom who didn't let pregnancy and motherhood get in her way!

    Cee. ♥
    Code Overdressed

  3. what a gorgeous little fella! congratulations

  4. Aww. Such a cute baby! Congrats dear! :)))

    Miss Cielo

  5. Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging, darling Ashley.
    He is so sweet, and your divine outfit pics shine! I love seeing you smile at him xox

  6. wow so cute!!!congratulations:)!!!!
    kisses from Milano
    have a beautiful day!

  7. his expressions in the photos are so cute!



  8. Congrats! What a gorgeous little bundle!

  9. Congrats Michelle, he is gorgeous! And you still manage to look great even with sleep deprivation, good on you.

    x Eve

  10. Aw congratulations Michelle! I missed you big news :) He's absolutely gorgeous and you are looking stunning - not scatter brained at all xx

    Anna (My Design Ethos)

  11. Oh congratulations! He's adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy your super special time off work!

  12. Congratulations Michelle! Ashley is soo cute :) And you look smashing! Look forward to seeing more of you and Ashley and baby fashion :)

  13. Awww congratulations!! He is beyond adorable <3 XX

  14. So sweetand cute! congratulation!. Kisses.

  15. Congrats on your baby he looks adorable,nothing like being first time parents.Make sure to enjoy him and take in as much as you can because they grow up really fast.


  16. What a sweet little fella - he already looks so peaceful and content! And you look gorgeous too - you did NOT look you like just had a baby five days ago in this photo!

    I'm currently giving away some favorite things on my blog, and would love it if you played along!


  17. oh yay! :) congrats! what a cutie patootie!

    love his face in the first ;). you look great!!


  18. She is so beautiful and you look so happy! Motherhood suits you so well


  19. You look absolutely stunning and A is BEAUTIFUL!!!

    So glad you're having gorgeous days together.


  20. WOOOW so cute *.* Congrats! I love your shoes :D
    xoxo, Chance to change

  21. OMG CONGRATULATIONS! He's gorgeous! All the best xx


  22. Hi Michelle,

    Ohhhh my Goodness what a little angel!!!

    He looks divine, congratulations to you and your family. You must be very proud.

    Nice head of hair on him lol as if you had him only 3 weeks ago and you look this good already!!!

    Lol Stunning mummy and beautiful baby.

    Wishing you and your gorgeous family many happy days together.

    Take care, keep up the great work whenever you can, I love your blog.


  23. aww I'm so so so thrilled for you!! You look so radiant and joyful Michelle! xx

  24. Congratulations! He's beautiful and you look great! I looked a mess when my son was 3 weeks old.

  25. Congratulations to you and your husband on a beautiful and healthy baby girl!

  26. Happy smile!!Happy Mom!

    if you love the faux fur fashion. just check the site is: www.messcabuy.com
