
Thursday, November 13, 2014

Merino Baby

This is part two of my blog posts for Merino Baby starring my little guy Ash.  Love that little sleepy face!

Today I'm sharing with you this fantastic sleeping bag.  Since Ash was six months he has been in a sleeping bag for all sleep times- it's such a fantastic sleep signal for him.  I've stuck with Bonds summer and winter versions to date because they are cheap and easy, plus I got so bamboozled by all the options available online.  Well now I've discovered Merino Baby's sleeping bags I can highly recommend them.  The biggest draw card for me is that they are made of a natural fibre, 100% super fine Australian merino wool in fact.  The fabric beautifully soft and machine washable, an absolute must!  I've put this sleeping bag through the wash a couple of times now following, um ah, overnight poop explosions (TMI- sorry) and it's come up good as new.

Design wise I'm impressed, the zip opens both up and down, making it easy for stealthy night time nappy changes; the arm holes have an extra stud so you can make them tighter around the arms if need be; and there is plenty of length.  Ash is 19 months and has plenty of space left in the 12-24 month size.  Another plus for me it that Ash has figured out how to get out of his Bonds sleeping bag, which he tends to do if he is a bit restless.  He stands up and pulls down on each side until he pops the studs open then climbs on out, he is then pretty unlikely to fall asleep until he's back in the bag.  But with this design there are two arm holes, and the zipper up the front.  I zip it from top down and he's nice and secure in the bag.

There are seven colour/print options and a padded version is also available.

Check out Ash wearing Merino Baby hoddie and cardigan here, plus more about all the amazing benefits of wool.

Don't forget there is still time to enter my giveaway.
WIN an adorable hat and mitten set thanks to Merino Baby.
Details here....

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