
Saturday, November 15, 2014

Milky Foot review

Sandal weather is here, so it's time to get those feet in tip top shape.  I recently received a fab little Summer Survival kit which included  Milky Foot Intense Exfoliation Pads and Spotner.  I've seen the ads on tv about Milky Foot so was pretty curious to try it myself.

First step is to don these funny exfoliation socks, which are filled with the active ingredients, and put your feet up.  Actually don't put your feet up, you need to keep them on the ground so the formula stays in contact with your feet.  I also put socks over the top to help them stay in closer contact with my feet.  The instructions say to keep them on for 45-60 minutes, so I did the full 60 minutes.  Afterwards my feel felt so fresh! Like your mouth after Listerine ;)

The instructions advise that the peeling would begin around 3-5 days, but nothing was happening on my feet so I seriously thought it wasn't going to work.  Low and behold on day six the intense peeling began.  And over about 2-3 days all that rough, hardened skin came right of to reveal lovely soft skin underneath.  By ten days my feet were good as new.

It is SO much easier than rubbing away with a pumice stone or foot file, and I would certainly use it again.  However, I would recommend perhaps having some nail polish on to protect your toe nails as mine became a bit brittle afterwards.

Milky Foot pads are available in both regular and large sizes in pharmacies for around $30.

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  1. I always forget some of my favorite bloggers are on the opposite side of the world lol. I read Sandal weather is here and I thought [ is she being s a r c a s t i c?! ] It is FREEZING in NY :(

    Maggie A
