
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Jeanswest Junior

Poe tee, Grayson shirt and Dante shorts - all thanks to Jeanswest
DC shoes- Surfstitch (here)
Bunny- Jellycat (here)

Today I've got my gorgeous little poppet, 18 month old Ash, making a guest appearance.  His outfit here is all from the Jeanswest Kids range.  The well made, durable, and very reasonably priced the collection is well worth a look.   I picked these up from the new Jeanswest flagship store at Highpoint Shopping Centre along with a few pieces for myself- see here.  If you are interested in sizes, Ash is wearing size 1 shorts, size 2 tee and size 3 shirt.  I got the bigger sizes on top so they will last him a bit longer, but bigger pants just fall down! Oh and the hair clip, we get a few questions about it.  I can't bear to cut his pretty locks so it keeps the hair out of his face  Simple as that :)

I took these pics last Sunday at the National Gallery of Victoria Hyper-Natural exhibition.  Fellow Melbournians, do yourselves a favour and check it out.  This post isn't sponsored but Ash and I had the best time so I had to share!! The weather was glorious, plus we were first through the doors in the morning so virtually had the gardens to ourselves.  The mist you see in the photos if beautifully perfumed and you can learn all about scent molecules! It really is pretty amazing, plus the gardens themselves are quite beautiful and a lovely place to relax and enjoy the view... and smell.

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  1. Just thought I would let you know I found that exact same shirt for my baby boy on www.gorgeousgroms.com for like $8
