
Friday, December 28, 2012

Sunset with my bump

Dress- Sportsgirl (similar here)
Shirt- De Fry (similar here and here)
Necklace- Diva (similar here)
Witchery heels- thanks to Westfield (now on sale!)

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!  I had a pretty quiet day as my husband had to work : ( but we did travel up to Canberra the weekend before where we had our family Christmas's and lots of quality time with our families.  

Guess what.... we got a pram, hip hooray!  Thank you to all those who gave me your recommendations, it was very much appreciated.  We ended up going with the Bugaboo Bee, which is probably the only pram I found that actually fit in the boot of our compact car.  It was 20% off at David Jones so on Boxing Day I went on a mission- somehow I walked straight past the 50% off Oroton and  30% off shoes to order the pram and went straight home.  Very restrained I know ; )  Mind you the crowds in the city were pretty nuts I don't think I couldn't tolerated it much longer.

These pics are actually in the middle of November (21 weeks pregnant), when my husband and I visited our friends in country New South Wales, on the way there we simply had to stop to watch the sun slip over the horizon- and of course make the most of the photo opportunity (as bloggers do).  Apologies for the overdose of bump pics here!! I'll try not to do that too much over the coming months  ; )



  1. Great outfit, I especially like the shoes :)

  2. You are glowing in these photos!!

    So glad you found a pram, I found it too confusing.
    We ended up just getting the same as my brother and sister in law, an icandy jogger. I didn't know what we needed/wanted and went with what they said... rear and forward facing, all terrain wheels... how are you meant to know unless you've actually used one!! Connnfusingggg!!!

    Must admit once we got the pram it was smooth sailing from there, the pram felt like the biggest decision.

    Can't wait to see more bump photos.


  3. what beautiful photos! you're looking lovely x

  4. Such a beautiful bump. I took similar photos when I was pregnant. It's a special pose.
    Girlie Blog Seattle | Casual Clothes for Less

  5. Michelle, these pics are really lovely.
    So glad you ended up choosing a pram and that you got one on sale. You were brave to face the crowds too!
    Suzi x
    For the Love of Audrey

  6. woww.. im so happy for u honey.. congrats..pls check out my post and let me know wht u think about it.. i'd be more thn glad to know u're views on it..

  7. Beautiful Michelle! So excited for you? When is the bubba due? :)
    xx Maria

  8. gorgeous shots



  9. Beautiful photos, the first one is utterly magical. And go you for braving the craziness of Boxing Day and getting what you where after - by passing those sales takes a LOT of strength LOL!

