
Saturday, February 23, 2013


Now wouldn't it have been perfect if I had this post up on Valentines Day! Sadly I wasn't quite that organised, but all the same how lovely is this necklace.  I have spotted a few word necklaces of late and loved the idea, so when MyNameNecklace.com.au got in touch to offer me a necklace, instead of my name I asked for the word "love".  So simple, so beautiful and surprisingly affordable. 
A perfect everyday necklace : )

MyNameNecklace.com.au is also offereing a 10% discount for me readers if you use the code MICHELLES


  1. beautiful! i want one of these 'love' necklaces too. they are pretty.

  2. So cute !!!


  3. So cute. :) I've starting collecting dainty jewelry pieces like these. :)

    Maggie A
    Love Scrapbook

  4. This comment probably won't even get published, but I purchased a necklace from My Necklace Australia (also a phalacy since the parcel arrived from Tel Aviv, Israel). It was pretty when I got it, but before I'd even had it a month, the "Swaroviski" (AKA cheap plastic) crystal had fallen out, and the "Sterling Silver" chain and pendant tarnished.
    I'm in the process of getting my money back.
    Not worth even the affordable $39 + postage if you ask me.
